Thursday 26 February 2009

Taylor Seminary promotes contemplative spirituality

An example of the continuing Romeward drift of evangelicalism is the increasing popularity of "contemplative" prayer or spirituality, which involves mysticism and practices traditionally associated with Roman Catholicism. Lighthouse Trails Research Project is an excellent site dealing with this area.
Taylor Seminary in Edmonton, Alberta is affiliated with North American Baptist churches. This is from their Spring Session 2009 calendar:

PT 647 Wilderness Spirituality
This course is designed to provide an opportunity for the participants to enter into a historical element of the living Christian tradition, through a week-long retreat. Focusing on the wisdom of the fourth century Desert Fathers, this retreat will provide an opportunity to experience the monastic practices of silence, solitude, prayer and reflective reading. Opportunities to meet with a spiritual director will also be provided.

As T.A. McMahon of The Berean Call likes to say, the problem with the contemplatives is that they don't go back far enough. Why not go back to the First Century and follow the practices of the Apostles instead of the Fourth Century Desert Fathers?

And this is from page 41 of their 2008-2009 calendar:

PT 540 Spiritual Formation
An exploration of five classical streams of spirituality from a biblical and historical perspective, with emphasis on practical application. Includes a spiritual retreat.

Vance Havner put it succinctly:

Some of the old mystics were really mistakes. They tried to be more saintly by hiding in caves. Living in a hole never made anybody holier.
(Pepper 'n' Salt), p.54, 1966.


  1. What can you tell me about the Urban Sanctuary?

  2. To find Urban Sanctuary's site, go here. For solid biblical analysis of spiritual formation, go to Lighthouse Trails Research Project or Lighthouse Trails Research Project Blog and search under "spiritual formation."

  3. An excellent series of messages on the area of mysticism and spiritual formation may be downloaded from Critical Issues Commentary.
